Concept: 90’s front men and players perform their hits, as well as a full set list of 90’s songs.
Members: Vinnie Dombroski from Sponge, Zac Maloy from The Nixons, Todd Pipes from Deep Blue Something and Michael Jerome from Better Than Ezra
Sample set list:
In the Meantime-Spacehog
Would-Alice in Chains
Bittersweet Symhony-The Verve
Alive-Pearl Jam
No Rain-Blind Melon
Come as You Are-Nirvana
Champagne Supernova-Oasis
Sister-The Nixons
Santa Monica-Everclear
Hunger Strike-Temple of the Dog
Interstate Love Song-STP
Breakfast at Tiffanys-Deep Blue Something
Closing Time-Semisonic
Get What You Give-New Radicals
Black Hole Sun- Soundgarden