Since 1983 Eddie Trunk has been the biggest name in media in rock and metal music. His career has seen him host countless national radio and TV shows. Best known as host of the hit VH1 TV series That Metal Show, he has also appeared and hosted series for AXS TV, REELZ Channel, countless documentaries and more. Eddie currently hosts 6 live national radio shows a week on SiriusXM on Faction Talk channel 103 and Hair Nation channel 39, a syndicated terrestrial radio show in in NYC and 30 more markets, and a top podcast. He is also host for many yearly major rock events including Monsters Of Rock Cruise, Rocklahoma, M3, Rokisland and many more. Eddie also has a large social media following of rock fans including nearly 400,000 followers on Twitter as well as large followings on Instagram and FB. Eddie is available to host your event and also help promote it through his various outlets and directly to the rock fans. He’s also available for speaking shows that he has done to great success around the country as well as live broadcasts. More on Eddie at www.EddieTrunk.com or @EddieTrunk on FB, Twitter and IG. Help bring your event to a new level with a well known and respected figure to all rock fans!